Re: Is a JAX-RPC static stub client J2EE implementation specific?

From: kathy walsh <Kathleen.Walsh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 13:25:45 -0400

see below

Merten Schumann wrote:

>Thank you, Kathy!
>I've got still a question below ...
>>>Another issue: I extended the sample to throw a custom exception
>>>(created an exception class for this). When I do use a Dynamic Proxy
>>>client, not my exception gets thrown in the cient (although
>>I have the
>>>class in the classpath), but a SOAPFaultException. In the static stub
>>>client my exception appears as expected. So, in a Dynamic
>>Proxy client,
>>>do I have to search the SOAPFaultException for my exception
>>on my own?
>>An application using a dynamic proxy client needs to be prepared for
>>either of the following exceptions:
>>-Service Specific Exception
>>So you would need to expect to see either of these when invoking a
>>dynamic proxy client method.
>I think the correct term "Service Specific Exception" means what I
>called "custom exception" :-)


>I mean this thing: is JAX-RPC itself "responsible" to (re)throw my
>Service Specific Exception on the client side or not?
yes in the static stub case-

>In the static stub client this worked fine, I got my MyException
>rethrown in the client. In the Dynamic Proxy client (whose classes are,
>in contrast to the static stub ones, portable as I've learned from you)
>my Service Specific Exception was not rethrown but the plain SOAPFault
>appeared. So I guess a Dynamic Proxy Client is not that powerful in
>deserializing things according to WSDL as the Static Stub Client is.
>It's absolutely ok for me, I just want to know, how things should be
>according to definitions ...
According to the definitions, any one of the three exceptions I listed
could be thrown. The specification
is not definitive on this issue.

>If the Dynamic Proxy Client is not in a position to rethrow my
>exception, I plan to transfer the exceptions on my own via an
>appropriate web service entry point which just returns a string
>representation of my exception. Then my framework will rethrow the
>exception on the client side "by hand".
>It's not that nice but will work and really is ok for me. The good thing
>is, it makes the WSDL simpler (no SOAP faults) and that again relieves
>in example my tests with Mozilla's web service implementation. I often
>had to experience that my WSDLs couldn't get parsed by Mozilla when
>there where complex SOAP/WSDL fault definitions.
>Next week I will investigate that "stateless session bean" stuff. I'm
>looking forward how (service specific) exceptions work there. Since this
>stuff sits on top of JAX-RPC, I expect to find the same issue in a
>Dynamic Proxy Client. We will see :)

Thanks for using jaxrpc-

>Thank you!!!
> Merten
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