Re: JAX-RPC HelloService sample, what scope is it running in?

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 09:47:41 -0700

Your endpoint is basically a servlet so you could use cookies if you choose.

Merten Schumann wrote:

>[thread was started in Web Services at]
>>>I tried to use this ServiceLifeCycle stuff. It works. I found that
>init() for my service is called once.
>>>But my question is still: How could I force my JAX-RPC web service
>(HelloService sample in Sun J2EE 1.4 tutorial) to run in session
>>In the future, please post JAXRPC related questions to
>ok, thank you
>>Try setting the SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY to true on the stub.
>But my server side counter (int counter=0, not static) still only starts
>with zero, when I've freshly (re)deployed the web service. When I run my
>client program again and again, the counter is not starting with zero
>but with the value from the former round. But I think there should be a
>new (HTTP) session get started with each client run ... Do I have to do
>anything additionaly on the server side, like getting the session object
>in init(Object context) or so?
>Anyway, I'm not sure if specifying "use sessions" on the client side is
>appropriate. Shouldn't that been done on server side? How to specify
>"use sessions" in a Dynamic Proxy client? How to specify "use sessions"
>in a, let's say, MS SOAP Toolkit client?
>But I know that we should try to avoid that stuff which needs HTTP
>sessions to store context data. So I will try this "stateless session
>bean" stuff and hope to become happy with it. :-)
> Merten
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Doug Kohlert
Sun Microsystems, Inc.   
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