RE: Java Web Service Developers

From: Lakshmi Tirandas <>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 09:50:36 +0530


We are using JWSDP in our development we are facing a problem while
sending large data to the client

Technical details .

Server JWSDP 1.3 Version
client side Visual Studio .Net Frame Work 1.1

We are able to communicate successfully but problem is when we are
sending large data it is taking lot of time.

 We could send the small data (5000 rows and 13 columns) in 50 Seconds
 to the client
 Where as when we are sending the large data (40K rows and 13 Columns )
 it is taking more than 30 Min .

 we observed most of time is consumed in serialization and
 de-serialization both server and client How do we reduce the time .

 Is there any way to reduce the time for serialization and
 de-serialization ? Is there any way to compress Soap Message before
 sending to the client ?.
 Thanks in advance for your reply.
 Lakshmi Narayana

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Kohlert [mailto:Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:43 AM
Subject: Java Web Service Developers

Dear Java Web Services Developer:

* Are you a developer, IT manager, or architect who is currently
evaluating, prototyping, developing or deploying Web services?
* Have you used Web services developer kits from Microsoft, IBM, Sun,
Apache or other vendors?
* Do you recommend or approve Web services projects and/or the
purchase of hardware and software in support of Web services projects?

If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, the Java Web
Services Developer Pack team would like to hear from you!

We are currently in the planning stages for the next release of the
JWSDP. As such, we very much value your input and are looking for
developers who are willing to share their thoughts on the direction of
Web services, the JWSDP offering, and more.

If you are interested in shaping the direction of Java Web services
technologies, please send email to Sherman Dickman at Looking forward to hearing from you!

Sherman Dickman

Sherman Dickman
Strategic Marketing Manager
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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