Re: Same WSDL different environment - help please

From: Norberto Carnelli <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 19:53:18 +0100

Jaswinder Kaur ha scritto:
> >You mean same WSDL description for services resident on 3 different
> locations
> yes this is what I want
> >I suppose you could do it with 3 different binding (port)
> Does not three different bindings mean 3 WSDL ? If not can you please
> tell me how to do.

No, you can have 1 WSDL that contains multiple porttypes

.NET does this by default creating SOAP. HTTP-POST and HTTP-GET
bindings, but you can do it with every ws implementation
because multiple porttype are allowed by WSDL standard.
I've attached the ending of a WSDL file with 3 different porttypes.

You should do this by hand, triplicating all your binding stuff and
then modifying it in order to point to the 3 binding implementations.
I dont know if u can copy only the last part (the one with "address")
or if u have to recopy everything, u must check WSDL specification
and/or do some experiments

PS I've never tried it, just arguing :)

Final lines of a .NET multi-port service:

  <portType name="StockQuoteSoap">
     <operation name="GetQuote">
       <documentation>Get Stock quote for a company symbol</documentation>
       <input message="s0:GetQuoteSoapIn" />
       <output message="s0:GetQuoteSoapOut" />
   <portType name="StockQuoteHttpGet">
     <operation name="GetQuote">
       <documentation>Get Stock quote for a company Symbol</documentation>
       <input message="s0:GetQuoteHttpGetIn" />
       <output message="s0:GetQuoteHttpGetOut" />
   <portType name="StockQuoteHttpPost">
     <operation name="GetQuote">
       <documentation>Get Stock quote for a company Symbol</documentation>
       <input message="s0:GetQuoteHttpPostIn" />
       <output message="s0:GetQuoteHttpPostOut" />
   <binding name="StockQuoteSoap" type="s0:StockQuoteSoap">
     <soap:binding transport=""
style="document" />
     <operation name="GetQuote">
       <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetQuote"
style="document" />
         <soap:body use="literal" />
         <soap:body use="literal" />
   <binding name="StockQuoteHttpGet" type="s0:StockQuoteHttpGet">
     <http:binding verb="GET" />
     <operation name="GetQuote">
       <http:operation location="/GetQuote" />
         <http:urlEncoded />
         <mime:mimeXml part="Body" />
   <binding name="StockQuoteHttpPost" type="s0:StockQuoteHttpPost">
     <http:binding verb="POST" />
     <operation name="GetQuote">
       <http:operation location="/GetQuote" />
         <mime:content type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" />
         <mime:mimeXml part="Body" />
   <service name="StockQuote">
     <port name="StockQuoteSoap" binding="s0:StockQuoteSoap">
location="" />
     <port name="StockQuoteHttpGet" binding="s0:StockQuoteHttpGet">
location="" />
     <port name="StockQuoteHttpPost" binding="s0:StockQuoteHttpPost">
location="" />

Norberto Carnelli
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