Re: JSR-109 and EJBs

From: Cliff Draper <Cliff.Draper_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 18:24:03 -0800 (PST)

From: Mete Kural <>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 16:25:40 +0000
> >It depends on what your web service is about to do.
> The web service that we want to build is for a CRM product. Although we want to take this opportunity to completely revamp our back-end CRM application and port it into a J2EE environment and not have any baggage from the old system. We are already in the process of building a JCA Connector for the old back-end system for use in Java-based portal servers. But we want the next generation of our CRM product to interface the outside world via Web services. Therefore I was investigating possible architecture options for a completely new CRM application with a web service front.

Well from that, it sounds like a J2EE style web service would be
perfect for you. Since 109 is only available in J2EE 1.4, I assume
you have an app server that runs J2EE 1.4. 109 makes it so that
deployment of the web service automatically runs the wscompile for
you, of course, you'll have to learn another deployment descriptor
file (webservices.xml) unless you have a tool that does it for you.

Then with 109, you'll need to decide if you want servlet style or EJB
style (stateless session EJB style, that is). The EJB style tends to
be more scalable and works well with other EJBs (transactionally,

> One more question that I have is how session management can be achived in EJB-based JSR-109-compliant web servies.

The current 109 spec does not provide for stateful session web service
EJBs. You'll need to use JAX-RPC for that.

Cliff Draper Sun Microsystems, Forte Tools
My opinions may or may not reflect those of my employer.
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