Re: JSR-109 and EJBs

From: Mete Kural <>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 16:25:40 +0000

Hello Matthias,

Thank you for your response. It was very valuable.

>It depends on what your web service is about to do.

The web service that we want to build is for a CRM product. Although we want to take this opportunity to completely revamp our back-end CRM application and port it into a J2EE environment and not have any baggage from the old system. We are already in the process of building a JCA Connector for the old back-end system for use in Java-based portal servers. But we want the next generation of our CRM product to interface the outside world via Web services. Therefore I was investigating possible architecture options for a completely new CRM application with a web service front.

>If it's using
>for example distributed transactions you might benefit from declarative
>transaction management (CMT) available for stateless session beans
>acting as web service endpoints.
>And/or, if your web service integrates
>with legacy systems, you might find the capabilities of the Java
>Connector Architecture (especially the mapping of connectors
>to message-driven beans for messages coming in from the legacy system)
>intriguing, interacting with a stateless session bean acting as a
>web service endpoint in one way or the other. I'd say the more complex
>(distributed transactions, messaging, legacy systems) the actual web
>service operations are, the more advantages the EJB architecture can

One more question that I have is how session management can be achived in EJB-based JSR-109-compliant web servies. Our CRM application web service needs to be a session-aware web service. In JSR-109, the service endpoints are stateless session beans. How can we develop connection-like stateful web services using JSR-109? Do we need to use stateful session beans?


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