Re: JSR-109 vs. JAX-RPC

From: Anne Thomas Manes <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 18:12:56 +0100


The JAX-RPC spec defines a framework for Web services that can work in a
variety of Java environments -- including J2SE, Servlet engines, and J2EE.
But it provides a complete specification only for the servlet-based
environment. JSR-109 provides the complete specification for JAX-RPC in a
J2EE environment. It doesn't require that you use EJBs, but it does specify
how to map JAX-RPC to EJBs. I think that the most critical extra value of
JSR-109 over plain JAX-RPC is that it defines a standard deployment
descriptor for Web services.


At 10:36 AM 1/23/2004, you wrote:
>I read the JSR-109 JSR page and I kind of get the impression that JSR-109
>suggests a framework for building web services. JAX-RPC is also a
>framework for building web services but I get the impression that Jsr-109
>is a superset of JAX-RPC. One thing that confuses me is whether JSR-109
>forces the use of EJBs. It is not clear from the JSR page. Can any of you
>help me with these questions.
>1) What really is JSR-109? Can someone give a better explanation than the
>one found on the JSR page?
>2) Does JSR-109 force the use of EJBs in web service development? Can I
>use JSR-109 without using EJBs?
>3) What are the advantages of using JSR-109 compared with just using
>JAX-RPC alone? What does JSR-109 buy me on top of JAX-RPC?
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