RE: Auto-bindings to SOAPMessage?

From: Kevin Jones <>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 17:53:16 -0000

You can use the XML APIs directly to create a DOM, or even use the StAX
APIs and use XMLStreamWriter. However it sounds like what you want is
SAAJ. Check out the SAAJ specification and docs (the docs are in the
JWSDP the spec is on,

Kevin Jones

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karr, David []
> Sent: 26 November 2003 16:29
> To:
> Subject: Auto-bindings to SOAPMessage?
> At a high-level, I'm familiar with most of the specs in this
> arena, but I haven't gotten into much code here yet. I'm
> starting to investigate using some parts of JAX-RPC to do
> some routing and translations of web services requests in
> different forms. For instance, I may be taking a string
> representing either a soap envelope or the payload for the
> eventual envelope (which to expect is determined by init
> params or context). I then want to create a SOAPMessage
> object representing that. What strategies are available in
> the jwsdp for translating the XML string into a SOAPMessage
> object? I know of JAXB for binding XML into defined objects,
> but is there anything for predefined bindings for XML into
> SOAPMessage?
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