- 4.2.1 Simple Types (java.util.Date)
- A good example for sending soap messages over JAX-RPC?
- array parameter
- com.sun.xml.rpc.server.http.JAXRPCServlet context
- compliant tests AXIS vs JAXRPC R.I.
- Document-style Web Service & Client Asynchronous Invocation Doubt !!!
- Getting handle to the Httprequest from within Service implementat ion.
- Handler Example
- Handler Problem
- How to generate a soap message Header using DII (Dynamic inte rface invocation)?
- How to generate a soap message Header using DII (Dynamic interfac e invocation)?
- JAX-RPC Dynamic client DOUBT !!!
- new protocols will be available in the next JAX-RPC R.I.? HTTPR, BEEP, DIME,...
- Online Chat, June 5, on Java Web Services Developer Pack v 1.2
- problems compiling a WSDL file
- Serialization of interfaces
- when to use JAX-RPC and JAXM - what are det differents between th ese actually?