Re: List of needed Jars on the client side?

From: Robert Lowe <>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 00:19:29 +0800

There's a list in the JWSDP Release Notes (*not* the JAX-RPC RI Release
Notes), which includes the following: jaxrpc-api.jar, jaxrpc-ri.jar,
saaj-api.jar, saaj-ri.jar, activation.jar, commons-logging.jar, dom4j.jar,
mail.jar, jaxp-api.jar, dom.jar, sax.jar, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar,
xsltc.jar. The total size is something like 5.8 MB.

My understanding is that one is required by the RI licence agreement to
distribute all of the above, including on clients.

Obviously, this is a significant drawback, and I suspect it will discourage
a lot of people from using JAX-RPC on clients (especially applets/Web Start)
unless this changes.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Benoit Lubek" <blubek_at_ICOMINFO.FR>
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 11:17 PM
Subject: List of needed Jars on the client side?

> Hello,
> We try to make a client application that will use JAX-RPC to communicate
> with a server.
> We didn't find anywhere in the documentation of the JAX-RPC RI, a list of
> the minimum set of jars needed on the client side. Is there such a list
> somewhere? Because right now the only way we found was to take all the
> in the various Jwsdp directories, and eliminate them one by one until it
> doesn't work anymore, which doesn't look like an elegant way of doing
> Another question: our client application has to be "light". We find that
> needed jar "jaxrpc-ri.jar" weights alone 1,2MB. Is it possible to remove
> some parts from this Jar to make it smaller? If so, what parts?
> If not, what other possibilities do we have to use SOAP on a "light"
> Thank you very much for your help.