Re: Thanks for ur Help! Re: I Need Help About Apache SOAP - JAX-RPC

From: Jay Chen <jay_at_TERA-ASPER.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 18:11:37 +0800

 Hi, Jeeva S,
    You are very welcome..
    Wish You All Good!


-----Original Message-----
From: Public discussion on JAX-RPC [mailto:JAXRPC-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM]
On Behalf Of Jeeva S
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 12:46 PM
Subject: Thanks for ur Help! Re: I Need Help About Apache SOAP - JAX-RPC

Hi Jay Chen,
   Thanks for ur help. let me try to do this and inform u.. i been going
thrugh AXIS site. i got some info..
Anyway, once again i appreciate ur help

Jeeva S
----- Original Message -----
From: Jay Chen <mailto:jay_at_TERA-ASPER.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: I Need Help About Apache SOAP - JAX-RPC

Hi, Jeeva,
    The idea of your currently running program is great. In my personal
opinion, I think it is quite possible to implement it..
About WSDL file, I suggest that you could check the apache's AXIS
project in where you would be able to transfer WSDL to Java object and
Just like Marshall and un-Marshall. It provides a very convenient
For client side, it could be implemented by utilizing JSP or Servlet
technology. in web base or even non-web base.
For server side, it would be easily to be built by setting up a web
server (i.e. tomcat web server, in where you could incorporate the
And now your client (web base) could communication with you by sending
the soap message via a web browser. In the middleware, you could create
a front control (a servlet) to dispatch these coming messages to
different soap message handlers or provider extra jobs by utilizing the
axis's handlers or chain handlers.. . for a stand along client side,
they also could send soap message to the server. and just need to
specify the DNS: like. Http://
<yourservername>:<port#>/axis/services/ChatService something like
Good Luck. and wish you all the best.......


-----Original Message-----
From: Public discussion on JAX-RPC [mailto:JAXRPC-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM]
On Behalf Of Jeeva S
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 6:53 PM
Subject: I Need Help About Apache SOAP - JAX-RPC

Hello Guys,
   I have already posted about my chat application. So, i need to create
a Chat Server as a web service , so, the client chat applet will
communicate through SOAP.

So, last one ween i been concentarting on JAX-RPC. butm it was very
tough to create a Service in JAX and create WSDL file.. and evrything.

Thatsy, now i have chosen Apache SOAP package, So, i need a complete
difference between JAX-RPC and apache soap.

what are the adv between these two..

Does it possible to implement CHAT SERVER as a Web Service.

Help Me Guys
Jeeva S