get url endpoint in jaxrpc webservice implementation

From: Pedro Salazar <pedro-b-salazar_at_PTINOVACAO.PT>
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2002 19:49:47 +0100


I'm implementing a web service and I need to get the endpoint's url used
in the client request. Something like equals to the httpservletrequest
where it's possible to get the url used by the client.

Is it possible do it in a webservice? Or the specific enviroment of a
jaxrpc webservice does not permit no more to get it?

Until now my jaxrpc web service implements only the
javax.xml.rpc.server.ServiceLifecycle and in the init method I can get
the ServleContext from ServletEndpointContext object, but it's not
enough! It must the client request!

Should I must add a *stupid* parameter in my jaxrpc web service to pass
the endpoint's url?

Pedro Salazar.