Re: Implementing class file on client side?

From: Mischa <yawningrascal_at_HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 12:29:07 -0600

at first thank's for your help. I read your introduction and then I generated my client not with the interface but with the wsdl as input. Now everything seems clearer. I was confused because of the generated class with the same classname as my implementing service class.

Next I wonder what happens if I would write a serializer for classes which are not bean conform using as parameter or return type. I guess as soon as you write your own serializers the client side is forced to use your deserializers for that class what means that they also forced to implement in the same language. Also I wonder why I can't access a public field in my bean directly thus it exists in the wsdl sequence. I thought I only need accessors for my private fields?

Maybe you got a idea?
