JAX-RPC, xrpcc and attachments

From: Monika Huk <Monika.Huk_at_VARETIS.DE>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 12:40:17 +0200


I use the JAX-RPC from the JWSDP EA2.

I tried to write a WSDL-File for SOAP-Message with attachments (output).
Then I used the xrpcc-tool to create the java/class-files.

1.) the xrpcc-tool doesn't work, if there is not <soap:body> element
outside of a <mime:multipartRelated> element, e.g.

<binding ....>
<soap:body parts=........./>
<mime:content part="......./>

should work according to the WSDL 1.1 Spec, but xrpcc complains:

error: output message of binding operation "......" does not have a SOAP
body extension

so I have to put the <soap:body>-element right after the <output>-element
for xrpcc to do its work without complaining, but ...

2.) ... the attachment-part is not reflected in the java-classes, neither
for the service nor the client. Doesn't xrpcc support JAX-RPC with
attachments yet?

3.) Can you give me any hints on how to access the attachment myself? Do I
actually have to use the SOAPMessage-Class with JAX- RPC?

Any support is highly appreciated,

thanks a lot