Re: want to expose some methodes of JAX-RPC on J2EE

From: Dharmendra Sankhla <dharmendrasankhla_at_YAHOO.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 06:02:39 -0700

Hi Arun,

thanks a lot . now problem is resolved.

it was problem of that endpoint that i was giving wrong.

now it is working fine. thanks once again.

there is on more question about j2ee arun.

is it possible that we have our client on a different machine.
and we want to access our bean without using RUNCLIENT.

what i have dont is i have my java client on a different machine
i have copied that .ear file and .jar file on client machine
and on that machine i have setup some enviornment variables
set APPCPATH=AppClient.jar
and -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=<remote-host>

and right now i m running my client using runclient
but it is not working.

will it possible to run a client on different machine which is not having j2ee.

thankx in advance.
