Re: [Help]: JSF - Spring - netbeans

From: Raymond DeCampo <>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 20:37:12 -0400

DanglingChap wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Netbeans 5.5.1 + visual web pack. I have tried on a sample
> application creating a web page with JSF. It was quite handy with all those
> graphical drag and drop support. (sessionbeans, requestbeans,
> applicationbeans).
> Now, For the architecture of our application we are using Hibernate at DB
> level, Spring at middle layer and JSF and UI end. Now I am unable to get how
> will i bind the values that are coming from UI (JSF) in the controllers of
> Spring for further use. Will i have to do some thing sessionbean or
> something else.
I think the typical thing is to approach the problem from the other
end. Spring provides a couple of VariableResolver implementations to
use with JSF to expose your Spring context in the managed bean space.
For anything else you can pass them as variables to the controllers. At
least, that has been my experience.
