>>>>> On Thu, 15 Jan 2015 14:22:46 +0800, zhijun Ren <ren.zhijun_at_oracle.com> said:
RZ> I have attached change bundle to the jira issue. The change is big
RZ> and including 25 cases to cover all the navigation possibilities. I
RZ> have discarded your original tests because of the complete coverage.
RZ> I noticed that the flow can be defined via xml file and java
RZ> annotation, so I don't know whether need add more cases to test the
RZ> combinations of the navigation test with different flow definition
RZ> ways.
There is clearly a lot of work here! Don't bother with the Java Defined
flow, since whether it is XML or Java, the data structure should end up
being the same.
RZ> Please help to review due to the big code size and I am looking
RZ> forward your comments.
I have attached them to the bug.
RZ> I have tested all the 25 cases against GF and get the following
RZ> results and I think the failed tests may be caused by the Mojarra
RZ> implementation code and I am checking into it.
Does this mean that you want to check in what you have now and address
this failure in another commit? I am ok with that as long as you put
the commit output of all the commits related to 3593 on the work log of
the JIRA. This makes it easier to the port to other code lines.
This is what I said earlier:
EB> Yes, that's understandable. It might be better to do the work in
EB> stages and commit the parts that currently do work, then file one or
EB> more separate bugs for the remainder.
Thanks for tackling this!
| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
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