Re: Code Review Request: (JAVASERVERFACES-3593) Navigation from method-call-node to method-call-node does not work

From: manfred riem <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:14:36 -0600


1. And also fix the copyright year.
2. And make sure all the pages use the new namespace.
3. And why is in
the form and commandButton commented out?
4. And DO NOT use getElementById, use getHtmlElementById in your tests.


On 1/15/15, 12:22 AM, zhijun Ren wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> I have attached change bundle to the jira issue. The change is big and
> including 25 cases to cover all the navigation possibilities. I have
> discarded your original tests because of the complete coverage.
> I noticed that the flow can be defined via xml file and java
> annotation, so I don't know whether need add more cases to test the
> combinations of the navigation test with different flow definition ways.
> Please help to review due to the big code size and I am looking
> forward your comments.
> I have tested all the 25 cases against GF and get the following
> results and I think the failed tests may be caused by the Mojarra
> implementation code and I am checking into it.
> /testReturnToFlowCallNode(com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowtraversalcombinations.ReturnNaviToOtherNodesIT)
> Time elapsed: 0.045 sec <<< ERROR!
> com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.FailingHttpStatusCodeException: 500
> Internal Server Error for
> http://localhost:8080/test-javaee6web-flowTraversalCombinations/faces/initial-return-node-flow/first_page.xhtml?jfwid=c2dceec4aeba57670ae82226faae:0
> at
> com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient.throwFailingHttpStatusCodeExceptionIfNecessary(
> at
> at
> com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlForm.submit(
> at
> com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlSubmitInput.doClickStateUpdate(
> at
> at
> at
> at
> com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowtraversalcombinations.ReturnNaviToOtherNodesIT.testReturnToFlowCallNode(
> Running
> com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowtraversalcombinations.SwitchNaviToOtherNodesIT
> Tests run: 5, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.165
> sec <<< FAILURE! - in
> com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowtraversalcombinations.SwitchNaviToOtherNodesIT
> testNaviToReturn(com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowtraversalcombinations.SwitchNaviToOtherNodesIT)
> Time elapsed: 0.032 sec <<< FAILURE!
> java.lang.AssertionError: null
> at
> at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(
> at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(
> at
> com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowtraversalcombinations.SwitchNaviToOtherNodesIT.testNaviToReturn(
> Results :
> Failed tests:
> SwitchNaviToOtherNodesIT.testNaviToReturn:112 null
> Tests in error:
> ReturnNaviToOtherNodesIT.testReturnToFlowCallNode:135 »
> FailingHttpStatusCode ...
> Tests run: 25, Failures: 1, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0/
> BR,
> Zhiijun
> On 1/14/15, 1:43, Edward Burns wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 7 Jan 2015 02:24:54 +0000 (UTC), " (JIRA)"<> said:
>> ZR> I have ported your changes into my local trunk workspace and run all
>> ZR> the tests for glassfish.
>> ZR> The newly added uncompleted tests failed. To complete them, I need
>> ZR> to get familiar with the jsf flow.
>> There are some failures, yes. This is because the bug is basically,
>> "make all possible flow traversals work". My process for fixing the bug
>> is using test driven development. As I worked through all the possible
>> flow traversal combinations I discovered more problems.
>> ZR> So I need more time to do it, please stay tuned.
>> Yes, that's understandable. It might be better to do the work in stages
>> and commit the parts that currently do work, then file one or more
>> separate bugs for the remainder.
>> Ed