Re: is partial page rendering via jsf2/templating/ajax possible

From: Werner Punz <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 14:20:43 +0200

Ajax navigation in itself is problematic, because a viewroot replacement
would mean you have to replace the head and body.
While the body (at least its content) can be replaced, a head replacment
does not work out. You can only simulate it by running an eval on the
javascripts afterwards and on the css. Which in itself is somewhat a
burden speedwise. You probably end up with a normal navigation to be
faster and with less possible risk of failure.


Am 10/18/11 7:16 PM, schrieb Jason Lee:
> Hi, Robert. I cobbled something like this together for the PaaS Console
> that we used in a demo at OOW. I don't have time right now to explain
> exactly what we did, but the source might help:
> Specifically, if I recall correctly, Console.Ajax in
> src/main/webapp/resources/glassfish/js/console.js is probably what you
> want to look at.
> I think we eventually ended up not using the ajax navigation, but the
> plumbing is still all there.