Am 10/18/11 6:50 PM, schrieb
> I have gotten partial page refresh of center content to happen via ajax
> when clicking left navigation links, but if that center content in
> turns contains a h:form, and the for example
> the h:form has a h:commandLink, clicking it the first time reveals the
> javax.faces.ViewState=xyz param is not being sent to the server, so
> apparently jsf does not know about this view. A second click works
> because then the javax.faces.ViewState has been established.
> I can provide a simple example is anyone is interested, or maybe I need
> go over to the issues mailing list? Just joined this mailing list so I
> appoligize if this is not appropiate to post.
Can you please provide the example. I am not from the mojarra side of
things but nevertheless interested. Is this a multiform situation, if
yes then you need to set a render target in any of the forms involved.
as refresh target. (the sending form and the receiving form)
to get the viewstates properly updated.