Hi Ed,
Here are the diffs for jsf-extensions-test-time.
Index: test-time/src/main/java/com/sun/faces/mock/MockExternalContext.java
--- test-time/src/main/java/com/sun/faces/mock/MockExternalContext.java (revision 704)
+++ test-time/src/main/java/com/sun/faces/mock/MockExternalContext.java (working copy)
@@ -252,9 +252,11 @@
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
+ @Override
+ public boolean isSecure() {
+ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
+ }
public Map getInitParameterMap() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Also I did build jsf-extensions-test-time with JDK 5.
Wanted to mention one more thing: I had to update the test-time/pom.xml to include the following repository info. I was not able to download certain jars without this on my hosting machine.
+ <id>JBoss.repo</id>
+ <name>JBoss Repository for Maven</name>
+ <url>
+ </repository>
On Jul 22, 2010, at 1:41 PM, Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 21 Jul 2010 15:04:18 -0700, Sheetal Vartak <sheetal.vartak_at_oracle.com> said:
> SV> Here's a code review request for spec issue 733. I finally managed to get my hosting machine setup for this issue since I needed JDK 5 (which my macbook pro's Snow Leopard does not support ).
> SV> The changed files are :
> SV> M jsf-api/src/main/java/javax/faces/context/ExternalContext.java
> SV> M jsf-ri/test/com/sun/faces/context/TestExternalContextImpl.java
> SV> M jsf-ri/src/main/java/com/sun/faces/context/ExternalContextImpl.java
> SV> M lib/jsf-extensions-test-time.jar
> This looks fine, but I need to see the mods for the
> jsf-extensions-test-time code as well, and also you need to make sure
> that you build jsf-extensions-test-time.jar using Java SE 5.
> Thanks,
> Ed
> --
> | edburns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
> | homepage: | http://ridingthecrest.com/
> | 16 work days until JSF 2.1 Milestone 2
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