>>>>> On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 14:06:40 -0700, Sheetal Vartak <sheetal.vartak_at_oracle.com> said:
SV> Also I did build jsf-extensions-test-time with JDK 5.
SV> Wanted to mention one more thing: I had to update the
SV> test-time/pom.xml to include the following repository info. I was
SV> not able to download certain jars without this on my hosting
SV> machine.
Excellent. An enthusiastic r=edburns to commit to jsf-extensions and
| edburns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage: | http://ridingthecrest.com/
| 16 work days until JSF 2.1 Milestone 2