On 3/25/09 1:42 PM, Martin Kočí wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying latest mojarra from SVN, but there there is a state saving
> issue with UIColumn (state is not saved). I think the problem in
> UIData.visitTree, because visit does not process direct children of
> UIData - UIColumns:
> if ((result == VisitResult.ACCEPT)&& doVisitChildren(context)) {
> // First visit facets
> if (visitFacets(context, callback))
> return true;
> // Next column facets
> if (visitColumnFacets(context, callback))
> return true;
> // And finally, visit rows
> if (visitRows(context, callback))
> return true;
> }
> Only UIData facets, UIColumns facets and rows are visited.
> After changing method visitColumnFacets to visitColumnAndColumnFacets
> (and it's implementation) it is working. Is it desired behaviour or a
> bug?
Sounds like a bug. Would you mind opening an issue so we can track this?
> Regards,
> Martin
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