Introducing Jim Driscoll

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2008 18:16:46 -0700

Hi all -

My apologies for not introducing myself earlier... My name is Jim
Driscoll, and I'm a newish JSF developer, working with Ryan, Ed and
Roger at Sun.

Some of you will probably recognize the name, as I'm also the former
manager of the Java Web Tier. After about 9 years as a manager, I've
finally gotten my wish of the last 2 or 3 years, and been promoted back
to engineering :-)

I'm new to JSF, though as a manager, I've certainly been aware of the
developments going on in the spec since it's inception. I'm not exactly
a novice programmer, since I've been coding since the Reagan
administration, though my last programming gigs were developing the
servlet API, the Java Web Server, and the first version of J2EE.

I've been asked by my boss to work on a couple of things: try to
identify areas that would make JSF easier to use (over and above what
the EG is already examining), and adding features to the Mojarra
implementation that would make it more attractive to use.

I've been using a couple of things that I saw Mojarra was missing as an
excuse to get my feet wet - writing a couple validators and a custom
component so far. I'd love suggestions on things that you think could
be added as well.
