Hi Mike,
Please fnid my response below.
Michael Youngstrom wrote:
>>>Coming back to your question, assume a scenerio where the two options
>>>have different values for "disabledClass" which one would you apply on
>>>"select" tag ?
>Hmm....I guess I'm not sure what you're saying. The disabledClass
>attribute is part of selectManyListbox component not the selectItems
>so I'm not sure how you could run into an scenario where you have 2
>options with different disabledClass values. The selectManyListbox
>would simply use the disabledClass associated with itself.
Sorry, my mistake, I confused it with disabled attribute on
selectItem tag. As far as applying "disabledClass" to "select"
component, I will let Roger comment on it, because this attribute was
meant to be applied to options and not to the component itself.
>>>Regarding "disabled" being rendered on select tag, are you sure about it
>>>? I have a test case where I see its not being rendered and I think its
>>>because of the following code in MenuRenderer
>>>// don't render disabled here, because it is dealt with in a
>>> // special fashin further down the callstack.
>>> Util.renderBooleanPassThruAttributes(writer, component,
>>> new String [] {"disabled"});
>The version I'm using Branch JSF_1_2_PRE_TCCI does not appear to have
>that code in the MenuRenderer so I'm not personally experiencing that
>problem. I hope my using this branch isn't confusing our discussion
>regarding the disabledClass location too. :)
ok, that explains it. I was referring code in the trunk. Looks like when
the EL alignment changes were merged into the trunk, the trunk was
by the changes from the branch. We'll have to recollect why this was
changed in the branch and fix the trunk. Thanks for pointing that out.
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