Michael Youngstrom wrote:
>>>Coming back to your question, assume a scenerio where the two options
>>>have different values for "disabledClass" which one would you apply on
>>>"select" tag ?
>Hmm....I guess I'm not sure what you're saying. The disabledClass
>attribute is part of selectManyListbox component not the selectItems
>so I'm not sure how you could run into an scenario where you have 2
>options with different disabledClass values. The selectManyListbox
>would simply use the disabledClass associated with itself.
>>>Regarding "disabled" being rendered on select tag, are you sure about it
>>>? I have a test case where I see its not being rendered and I think its
>>>because of the following code in MenuRenderer
>>>// don't render disabled here, because it is dealt with in a
>>> // special fashin further down the callstack.
>>> Util.renderBooleanPassThruAttributes(writer, component,
>>> new String [] {"disabled"});
>The version I'm using Branch JSF_1_2_PRE_TCCI does not appear to have
>that code in the MenuRenderer so I'm not personally experiencing that
>problem. I hope my using this branch isn't confusing our discussion
>regarding the disabledClass location too. :)
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Hmm... loking at the cvs logs for MenuRenderer....
It appears that on 9/1/2004 there was a mod to *not* render the
"disabled" twice...
revision 1.52
date: 2004/09/01 21:45:50; author: edburns; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2
author: HANAI Shisei <shanai_at_ruimo.com>
M jsf-ri/src/com/sun/faces/renderkit/html_basic/MenuRenderer.java
- don't render the "disabled" attribute twice