[jsr372-experts mirror] CDI decorator support for FacesWrapper subclasses

From: Guillermo González de Agüero <>
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2016 16:19:03 +0200

Hi all,

As part of the CDI alignment effort for JSF 2.3, I'd like to propose
another enhancement.

Currently, there are a lot of artifacts that can be wrapped (decorated) by
extending a FacesWrapper implementation and registering them at
faces-config.xml [1].

I'd like to be able to just use CDI decorators for this, like:

public abstract MyCustomResourceHandler extends ResourceHandler {

    private ResourceHandler rh;

    public Resource createResource(String resource) {
        // ..

The only problem is that CDI requires the decorated artifact to be an
interface instead of a class. So to achieve this. So methods would need to
be extracted to new interfaces.

The end user benefits would be a simplified and more standard way to
decorate artifacts and less need for the faces-config.xml.

What do you think?


Guillermo González de Agüero.
