[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: Please Review: JSF 2.3 EDR draft

From: Kito Mann <>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2015 10:44:02 -0400

Hello Ed and Volunteers,

I took a quick look through this, and have a comments that aren't
show-stoppers, but things we should discuss. Items marked with (!) would
help for the EDR but are still not essential. Forgive me if I mention
something we've already hashed out before; just let me know if that's the

* We should consider renaming some of the annotations so it's clear which
ones refer to a Map backed by a scope:

  - FlowScopeMap
  - ViewScopeMap
  - RequestScopeMap
  - SessionScopeMap
  - FlashScopeMap (was Flash in the Javadocs?)

  I think this is a more clear for newbies.

* <f:socket>

  - I strongly believe we should support long polling as a fallback.
Otherwise it can be quite useless in some environments.
  - (!) onerror doesn't specify what parameters will be sent tot he
JavaScript callback (if any)
  - Is there any way to initiate an Ajax update after onmessage is called?
I think there should be.

* Mulit-component validation

 - Is there a way we can avoid the requirement to place the
<f:validateWholeBean> tag after everything else? That's just asking for
 - Is there a way to specify a short name (i.e. not the fully qualified
class name) for validation groups?

* CDI Integration

 - We should also support injecting Application
 - Is there a reason we can't support injection in PhaseListeners? This one
has bugged me for years.

* UIData and <ui:repeat> supports Map and Iterable

 - (!) We should update the prose to specifically mention Iterable for the
list of types supported by UIData and <ui:repeat>.

Unfortunately the Javadocs disappeared from the Nexus repository, so I
didn't get to dive into a few of the features. Overall, though, this is a
good first step. Thanks everyone for your hard work! And thanks Ed and
Manfred for getting us to the point where we have something to show.


Kito D. Mann | @kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
Virtua, Inc. | | JSF/Java EE training and consulting | @jsfcentral
+1 203-998-0403

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On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Edward Burns <>

> Hello Volunteers,
> As I've been saying in recent weeks, we're releasing EDR of JSF 2.3 for
> JavaOne. For EDR we are only obligated to provide the spec, but since
> we have always practiced TDD in JSF and Mojarra we have the
> implementation ready as well! The unfortunate exception is the lack of
> implementation of <f:socket/>. Thanks to Arjan and Zhijun for helping
> resolve the problem with the GlassFish AdminGUI. Breaking that is a
> non-starter. We have to keep that working.
> Manfred is working on releasing Mojarra 2.3.0-m04 at this very moment.
> Please share with the group the results when you complete this very
> important task, Manfred.
> What is the EDR?
> ================
> As you know, our spec has always consisted of two main parts:
> * The Prose Document (PDF)
> * The Generated Spec (javadoc, RenderKitDoc, VDLDoc, JSDoc)
> Where do you get it for review?
> ===============================
> Please find the proposed EDR of each at
> and
> respectively.
> Sorry for the rush review request, but I want to hand this to JCP by
> 16:00 GMT tomorrow, Friday 9 October 2015. It's possible that if
> someone has feedback after that time I may be able to replace the draft
> with a newer revision and have JCP pick that up, but I can't guarantee
> it.
> What do you look for in reviewing?
> ==================================
> For the Generated Spec, the color coded changebars are super helpful.
> For the Prose Document, look in the "Changes between 2.2 and 2.3"
> section of the preface. It has links to the other parts of the spec.
> If there is something you put in but you don't see it represented in
> that section, let me know and I'll try to add it. Please include the
> JIRA as well.
> Thanks for all your hard work on JSF over this spec and over the years.
> Together we have really built a historically unique technology and
> community ecosystem that delivers real value to businesses.
> Thanks,
> Ed
> --
> | | office: +1 407 458 0017
> | 21 Business days til JavaOne 2015
> | 36 Business days til DOAG 2015