[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: Handling focus after an Ajax update (PROPOSAL)

From: Josh Juneau <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 06:28:12 -0500

Hi Everyone,

I like the ideas that have been introduced by Manfred and Kito. I do
wonder if it makes sense to add a new global configuration that would allow
the user to apply the functionality of the f:focus tag to all ajax-enabled
components within an application. To me, it seems that such a
configuration may make sense in ajax-heavy applications, in cases where
embedding an f:focus inside of each ajax-enabled component may become
cumbersome. In most scenarios, I would guess that the user expects to
come back to the next component in the form after an ajax call...especially
when tabbing. Just a thought...

With regards to the end user not reading the documentation, I don't think
that the onus is on the spec to name a component differently just because
other libraries use similar names for different functionality. It seems
that f:focus would make sense in this case, and the most useful way to curb
the issue would be describing the functionality of the f:focus in the
javadoc. In most cases where an IDE is used, the Javadoc will display when
the tag is being typed anyways.


Josh Juneau

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Bauke Scholtz <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Looks okay. I'd however as a dumb enduser without reading the
> documentation intuitively expect that the <f:focus> also runs when loading
> the page when being placed outside an input component, exactly like as
> PrimeFaces <p:focus> does (
> Perhaps this
> could be added to the feature set.
> And, make sure that it also works as expected when used in UIData/UIRepeat
> components.
> Cheers, B
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 9:42 PM, manfred riem <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> After discussing this on the phone with Kito, I think we have a proposal
>> / sketch for getting this done.
>> 1. Introduce a new ClientBehavior, FocusBehavior with its
>> FocusBehaviorRenderer
>> 2. Introduce its backing tag, f:focus
>> The FocusBehavior will encapsulate the JavaScript portion that is
>> necessary to determine the element that has focus, and take the appropriate
>> action to make sure once the f:ajax call returns to set the focus to the
>> element that needs focus.
>> For the f:focus tag we think one could either specify it without a
>> clientId which would imply it would set focus to the element it was
>> embedded in, or with a clientId which would set the focus to the element
>> with the given clientId.
>> E.g
>> <h:inputText ...>
>> <f:focus clientId="otherElement"/>
>> <f:ajax/>
>> </h:inputText>
>> Kito has kindly agreed to do the prototyping for this so let us know what
>> you think.
>> Thanks!
>> Kind regards,
>> Manfred Riem