2014-12-11 2:12 GMT-05:00 Martin Švihlík <svihlik.m_at_gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I have several problems when trying tu use JSF 2.2 FacesFlows. I will start
> with first one, and I will add some more later :).
> I have a problem when trying to navigate from method call node, switch node
> or faces flow call node to nodes other than view node or return node.
> Just to make it super clear, next transitions are not possible:
> method call node -> method call node
> method call node -> faces flow call node
> method call node -> switch node
> faces flow call node -> method call node
> .... I think that you get my point.
> I wonder why this is not possible?
I suppose it is a Mojarra bug. Checking the code in MyFaces 2.2 algorithm, the
cases you describe are valid, and that algorithm follows the spec (but it is
a different implementation). Please file the issue in Mojarra issue tracker.
Leonardo Uribe
> I debug code in com.sun.faces.application.NavigationHandlerImpl and in
> com.sun.faces.flow.FlowHandlerImpl.class and I found out that
> synthesizeCaseStruct method can handle only view node or return node as
> target node. Otherwise it returns null.
> Am I missing something or is it implemented like that on purpose?
> Thanks in advance!
> Martin