[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: [ADMIN] Welcome to JSF 2.3

From: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 04:57:53 +0000 (UTC)


I'm Bauke Scholtz and my username is "balusc", like as
everywhere else on the Internet. Almost everyone shall know me better
by this handle.

I started developing with JSF (1.1, soon upgraded to 1.2) at January
2006 when needed new UIs for their SOAP webservices. Then there
was professionally a pause from 2008 until 2011 when I migrated to
Curacao. However, as I was attracted to the philosophy of JSF, I kept
working on my JSF knowledge by creating private sandbox projects, and
recreating other's problems on and answering them,
and writing blogs about the most common problems/questions. I
eventually moved to Stack Overflow when the forums were taken over by
Oracle. At 2011 I joined who was then preparing a migration to
JSF 2.0. Since then I've been working within the same development team
until now, at

The other team member also active here is Arjan Tijms. During the M4N
era, together we started the JSF utility library OmniFaces after having
concluded that we homebrew almost the same set of utilities in every
professional/private JSF project we worked with. OmniFaces not only
offers shortcuts to the JSF API, but also tries to solve most commonly
encountered problems in the JSF spec/impl, not only based on our own
work, but also on questions asked by the community at Stack Overflow.
As of now it's quite known and popular among JSF developers. A few
OmniFaces solutions eventually ended up in spec, such as the JSF 2.2
f:ajax resetInput.

Looking forward to participating in this EG and contributing
improvements to JSF in the name of the JSF community.

Cheers, Bauke