[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Re: Clear Input Values

From: Çağatay Çivici <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 16:20:08 +0200

"Bumping this."

Leonardo, have you had the chance to think about the proposal?

Today, another user encountered this well known case;

My original email;

> Hi all,
> I'd like to discuss something I've been thinking about lately. How to clear
> forms easily when validation fails?
> Consider this simple case;
> <h:form>
> <h:messages />
> <h:inputText value="#{pprBean.firstname}" required="true"/>
> <h:inputText value="#{pprBean.surname}" required="true"/>
> <h:commandButton value="Save">
> <f:ajax render="@form" execute="@form"/>
> </h:commandButton>
> <h:commandButton value="Reset"
> actionListener="#{pprBean.reset}">
> <f:ajax render="@form" execute="@this"/>
> </h:commandButton>
> <h:outputText value="#{pprBean.firstname}" id="display" />
> </h:form>
> Bean;
> private String firstname, surname;
> public void reset() {
> firstname = null;
> surname = null;
> }
> So when you run this, if one of the field is empty and the other is not,
> validations fails and message is displayed. Problem happens when reset
> button is clicked to reset the form values. At processValidations phase
> UIInput saves the converted value at state
> and since validation failed, update model is not executed so local value is
> never cleared. Clicking reset, clears the bean's values but inputText will
> not use the bound value and use the one kept in state as well ending up a
> confusing behavior. I've seen this in many forums.
> I know wiki's like this;
> But I mean shouldn't this work as expected? Proposed solutions seem way too
> hard just to clear form values. (component binding and calling resetValue(),
> new view, javascript etc.)
> If at processValidations phase, local value is not stored in state, I think
> that will make the code above work, but I'm not sure if there will be any
> side effects. Does anyone know why converted local value is kept at state by
> calling setValue(). Both mojarra and myfaces keeps the value at state and I
> cannot find anything regarding this in spec, please point me if I'm wrong.


On 08.Ağu.2011, at 22:57, Leonardo Uribe wrote:

> Hi
> Doing some documentation improvements I notice this wiki page:
> It is a very old page, but I think it describes in some way what's
> missing. Other useful page is here:
> I'll try to submit a proposal about it this week.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2011/8/8 <>:
>> Where does this thread stand?
>> Alexander asserted that our existing immediate="true" feature was
>> sufficient but Andy indicated there was another case for which an
>> additional feature might be necessary?
>> Because this issue was not in JSF_2_2_WORKING_SET, I'll need a detailed
>> proposal in order to entertain including it at all. So far, I haven't
>> seen enough detail.
>> If there is no reply in a week, I'd like to close this issue out.
>> Thanks,
>> Ed

Çağatay Çivici
Principal Consultant
PrimeFaces Lead | JSF EG Member

Prime Teknoloji
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06800 Ankara/Turkey
Tel: +90 312 265 05 07