
[jsr372-experts] Please Help: Can someone help me get back up to speed?

From: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 14:46:27 -0700

Hello Volunteers,

There has been a lot of water under the bridge, and a lot has been said
and done about the whys and hows of Java EE 8. Perhaps the saying part
of the story started with Josh's seminal blog post on the topic [1],
continued with the rise of the Java EE Guardians, the proposal of
Microprofile.io and not a few press articles throughout. I'm not at
liberty to comment on any of that, but believe me, my long time
association with JSF and passion for the community we've built here in
the last twelve years make it impossible for me to not have opinions.
What I can do is point to the abstract for the JavaOne talk Kito and I
are scheduled to give:

JSF 2.3: The Community Takes Charge [CON7981]

  Since JavaOne 2015, the JSF 2.3 expert group has been continuously
  active in spite of inactivity from the spec leads. The recently
  announced reboot of Java EE 8 will include completion of JSF 2.3. This
  session highlights the achievements of the JSF expert group and
  community and outlines the plan to complete JSF 2.3 for Java EE 8.

I'm working with Kito to develop the content, but I could use a hand in
understanding what you all have been up to. Just look at the traffic on
the EG list over the past year:

2015 Jan 125 Feb 80 Mar 84 Apr 55 May 7 Jun 14 Jul 12 Aug 106 Sep 95 Oct 32 Nov 10 Dec 50
2016 Jan 34 Feb 35 Mar 25 Apr 4 May 25 Jun 55 Jul 67 Aug 23 Sep 7

Granted, it's not what it once was in the heady days of JSF 2.0, but
it's still a lot. You all have been busy. Since Arjan did such an
awesome job with his JSF 2.2 updates, I'd like to ask him to take a shot
at breaking down the changes.

Arjan, if you don't have time to do it, let me know and I'll find some
other way to come back up to speed. You're welcome to use this Wiki
Page so you can allow others to fill it out too. [2]



| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
[1] http://jj-blogger.blogspot.com/2016/04/java-ee-8-what-is-current-status-case.html
[2] https://java.net/projects/javaserverfaces-spec-public/pages/Jsf2_32016Summary