
[jsr372-experts] ui:repeat

From: Kito Mann <kito.mann_at_virtua.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 09:15:49 -0500

Hello Cagatay,

I noticed you just added a PrimeFaces repeat component
<https://github.com/primefaces/primefaces/issues/999> citing "inconsistencies
between ui:repeat implementations of mojarra and myfaces with our
components". Is there something we need to do with the spec to ensure that
the two implementations of ui:repeat behave more consistently?

Kito D. Mann | @kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
Web Components, Polymer, JSF, PrimeFaces, Java EE, and Liferay training and
Virtua, Inc. | virtua.tech
JSFCentral.com | @jsfcentral
+1 203-998-0403

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