
[jsr366-experts] Re: [javaee-spec users] Re: semantics of metadata-complete

From: Linda DeMichiel <linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015 14:50:10 -0700

On 9/24/15 12:41 PM, Jason Greene wrote:
> A small question. Since JSR 250 annotations are mentioned in the list (e.g. PostConstruct), how should CDI and managed bean processing be impacted? I think the language of the first paragraph answers this, which is that 250 annotations that belong to components declared in ejb-jar.xml will not be discovered.


>> On Sep 24, 2015, at 2:28 PM, Linda DeMichiel <linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com> wrote:
>> One of the items that needs to be made clearer in our specs is the
>> meaning of a "true" value for the metadata-complete attribute, as we
>> have noticed that people seem to get confused as to its exact meeting
>> with regard to annotation scanning.
>> The intent here is not to not process all annotations, but rather to
>> not process those annotations that are covered by the metadata of the
>> deployment descriptors that specify metadata-complete.
>> I've attached below proposed clarifications for the Java EE 8 Platform
>> spec, which covers the application client descriptor, as well as for
>> the EJB spec, with the goal of making this more precise. We are also
>> planning similar clarifications for the Servlet spec.
>> Please let me know if you see any problems.
>> thanks,
>> -Linda
>> <metadata-complete-appclients.txt><metadata-complete-ejb.txt>
> --
> Jason T. Greene
> WildFly Lead / JBoss EAP Platform Architect
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat