[javaee-security-spec users] [jsr375-experts] Re: Re: Events for login/logout

From: arjan tijms <>
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2017 00:26:21 +0200

On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 12:01 AM, Will Hopkins <>

> Also the CallerDetails SPI -- basically, anything not already described in
> the EDR.

The CallerDetails SPI is not a spec artefact, but merely an implementation
detail. The only spec artefact is the interface method in the
SecurityContext. Being the RI, Soteria could just implement it directly for
GlassFish, but as a courtesy to other application servers that may wish to
use Soteria the CallerDetails SPI is provided as a convenience.

Of course no application server (Java EE product) is under any obligation
to use this SPI in any way. They can implement JSR 375 from scratch or, if
their product is compatible with the Soteria license, have a custom soteria
build that totally bypasses the CallerDetails SPI and again implements the
required method directly.

Compare this with e.g. JSF. Mojarra has several implementation specific
SPIs, but as they are implementation specific an alternative implementation
like MyFaces has nothing to do with them whatsoever.

Hope this makes it more clear.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

> On 03/31/2017 05:15 PM, Will Hopkins wrote:
> Tweaks to existing APIs are fine, although, again, I think any changes at
> this point need to be discussed and agreed before check-in. I think a good
> process is probably to work from the existing spec and meet to agree
> responses to comments on the spec, and then designate who will update the
> api or ri code.
> Besides the login/logout events, I had in mind these recent additions to
> SecurityContext:
> List<String> getAllDeclaredCallerRoles();
> boolean hasAccessToWebResource(String resource);
> boolean hasAccessToWebResource(String resource, String... methods);
> Will
> On 03/31/2017 04:53 PM, arjan tijms wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 10:28 PM, Will Hopkins <>
> wrote:
>> Unfortunately I don't think we can add this, or keep the API/SPI
>> additions recently checked into the security-api repository.
> Which things are you specifically referring to?
> There were not any totally new features checked in as far as I can see,
> only things that were discussed and are being refined.
> Like for instance the AuthStatus return codes that are being replaced by
> enums is the result of that discussion. The functionality is identical, but
> instead of JASPIC status codes via static instances, enums are used.
> There's still some debate possible about the exact naming of these, but
> that won't influence semantics or features.
> I do agree not to over hastily add large new things, but the little time
> we still have can be put to good use by refining existing things that came
> out of discussions, such as the enum I mentioned and the security context
> mentioned in the previous mails.
> Events is a question, which is why I asked about it. A
> logged-in/logged-out event is relatively simple, reasonably well understood
> and agreed to by the EG. There are existing implementations both by AS
> vendors (e.g. Undertow) as well as security frameworks (e.g. my own
> OmniSecurity), which have been used in practice for many, many years.
> If we can't get them in because there is no time, then that's no problem.
> But if there's only little time I personally think we should not have to
> shy away from putting in the work.
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
>> As I've noted before, we really have very little time left to wrap up
>> this JSR. I've agreed to keep the SecurityContext APIs that are already
>> spec'd, but I can't see taking on new APIs. It may seem like a small thing
>> to add a couple new methods here and there, but, while it's easy enough to
>> prototype an API, there is real work associated with each additional
>> function:
>> - Have the EG discussion about the API and get consensus that it's
>> useful and well-designed. Iterate.
>> - Write the specification.
>> - Ensure the API code matches the spec.
>> - Write the RI code, ensuring that it's integrated, and works as
>> designed, with Glassfish 5.0.
>> - Write TCK test cases.
>> - Write TCK code.
>> - Etc.
>> Apart from the initial design, most of this work falls to me, and a few
>> others, here at Oracle. (And I have other responsibilities that keep me
>> from spending 100% of my time on the JSR.)
>> Leaving aside the additional spec/RI/TCK work, there are significant
>> design questions with the new submissions that should at least be discussed
>> before the APIs are accepted. In the case of the JASPIC events, there's
>> also the question of whether it's appropriate to add a JASPIC feature in
>> this JSR, or whether that should be done in a JASPIC maintenance release.
>> Even if we all agreed on a design today, I'm concerned that there's not
>> enough time left in the schedule for a new API to "marinate" -- often,
>> issues with APIs only become apparent with time and usage. We run the risk
>> of standardizing an API that's not fully baked, if we throw it into the
>> spec at the last minute.
>> I note that our date to publish a Public Review draft is April 20 -- only
>> about two weeks away, given that I'll need to submit the draft several days
>> in advance of its publication date (see full schedule below). Meanwhile,
>> I've only received comments on the EDR from one EG member (thanks,
>> Darran!), even though there are significant open issues called out in the
>> document.
>> I feel like resolving open issues with the existing APIs needs to take
>> priority over adding new APIs.
>> For the record, here is the schedule I'm working from. The end date is
>> fixed, determined by the overall EE 8 schedule, and the other dates are
>> arrived at by working backwards from the end date. There's not a lot of
>> time remaining, and very little slack in the schedule. (I'll be sending
>> this to the JCP to update the JSR 375 page, which I can't update myself.)
>> 2017-03-13 EDR Start
>> 2017-04-12 EDR End
>> 2017-04-20 PR Start (Public Review)
>> 2017-05-20 PR End
>> 2017-05-23 PR Ballot Start
>> 2017-05-30 TCK Complete
>> 2017-06-05 PR Ballot End
>> 2017-06-06 21 Day PFD Start (Proposed Final Draft)
>> 2017-06-26 21 Day PFD End
>> 2017-06-27 Hand FAB materials to JCP
>> 2017-07-11 FAB Start (Final Approval Ballot)
>> 2017-07-24 FAB End
>> 2017-07-26 Security GA Release
>> I hate to be a wet blanket -- all the proposed features seem like good
>> ideas, and I wish we had more time to work on them -- but at this point in
>> the schedule I can't see adding more content. It's important that we
>> complete the JSR on time, with APIs that are carefully considered, clearly
>> and accurately specified, and able to stand the test of time.
>> Thanks for all of your help in accomplishing this.
>> Regards,
>> Will
>> On 03/31/2017 12:18 PM, arjan tijms wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 4:59 PM, Rudy De Busscher <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Arjan,
>>> That would indeed a good addition for this release (EE8), as it is
>>> linked to the 'authentication' theme we have.
>>> The question is, what do we put as payload within the event? I should
>>> say the principal,
>>> **
>>> which we have created for the spec.
>> Indeed ;) This is also almost the payload I used for the example event in
>> that kickoff app;
>> public class AuthenticatedEvent extends SecurityEvent {
>> private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>> public AuthenticatedEvent(Object source, Principal principal) {
>> super(source, principal);
>> }
>> }
>>> And next to login and logout events, I should also add a* failed login*
>>> event.
>>> This allows the developers to 'block' a user when there are x failed
>>> attempts.
>> Definitely, that's a very common request as well.
>> There's 2 options here: an actual event called FailedLogin, or a more
>> general event PostAuthenticate with Failure or so as status.
>> Likely the FailedLogin as you proposed is better, but just throwing (no
>> pun) out some options here ;)
>> One thing to realise here is that Soteria can easily throw the events
>> using CDI right before it returns the outcome to the container calling it.
>> In many cases this will be "good enough", but to be actually 100% correct
>> the events should be thrown by the container when it has actually applied
>> (set) or removed the authenticated identity.
>> This unfortunately requires some container specific code, such as shown
>> for Undertow in the linked article.
>> Kind regards,
>> Arjan Tijms
>>> Regards
>>> Rudy
>>> On 31 March 2017 at 14:35, arjan tijms <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> One of the things that were discussed early on, but till so far hasn't
>>>> seen much followup is throwing (CDI) events when the caller is
>>>> authenticated (logs in) and logs out.
>>>> See this issue:
>>>> I also wrote an article about this a couple of years ago:
>>>> authentication.html
>>>> An example of how these events can be used in practice is shown here:
>>>> ster/src/main/java/org/example/kickoff/model/producer/Active
>>>> The simple post authenticate events (being informational only) are
>>>> relatively well understood and something like this is quite often asked for
>>>> and/or needed by users.
>>>> I think it would be good to include this in JSR 375.
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Arjan Tijms
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>> Will Hopkins | WebLogic Security Architect | +1.781.442.0310 <%28781%29%20442-0310>
>> Oracle Application Development
>> 35 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
> --
> Will Hopkins | WebLogic Security Architect | +1.781.442.0310 <(781)%20442-0310>
> Oracle Application Development
> 35 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
> --
> Will Hopkins | WebLogic Security Architect | +1.781.442.0310 <(781)%20442-0310>
> Oracle Application Development
> 35 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803