I have been working on an Identity Store proposal for which I would like
your comments. Basically, I am proposing we model the Identity Store
after PicketLink IdM.
The proposal Google doc should be open for comments by anyone on the
jsr375-experts_at_googlegroups.com Google group. If you are having trouble
commenting, please let me know. To comment, click the Comments button on
the top right of the document.
Note that I ran out of time, and Section 12 Attribute Management (and
further) are currently marked "To Be Determined". I will get back to that.
Regarding JSR 351 Identity API, I propose that JSR 351 would be
integrated later (when available) as an IdentityStore implementation via
the SPI. IdentityStore SPI could also be the integration point for
server-specific identity stores. See the proposal to see what I mean by
IdentityStore SPI.
Please read the proposal and comment in the document.