
[jsr375-experts] Re: JavaZone :(

From: Ivar Grimstad <ivar.grimstad_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 07:12:09 +0000


I have submitted abstract for talks (other topics) to both DevoxxBE and
DevoxxMA and can join you as co-speaker if you want.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 9:08 AM Werner Keil <werner.keil_at_gmail.com> wrote:

> Ivar/all,
> I proposed JSR 375 (with a very similar abstract you/we used earlier, it
> worked at least for one Java conference already) to DevoXX Morocco last
> night. Please advise, if there's already a submisison to DevoXX BE
> especially one by Oracle, then I'd rather spare the trouble for Antwerp. I
> cannot guarantee to make both DevoXXes in one month so shortly after a long
> JavaOne trip, so I would appreciate a co-speaker for Antwerp if I sent the
> submission (CFP ends tonight!)
> Cheers,
> Werner
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Werner Keil <werner.keil_at_gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear Alex/Experts,
>> Ivar and I heard, JavaZone was not interested in JSR 375 or Java Security
>> in general?;-|
>> How did the DevoXX UK talk go btw.?
>> Given 2 other events from the DevoXX franchise have a soon closing CFP
>> (tomorrow!) did any of you already propose something on 375 to either
>> DevoXX BE, DevoXX MO or both?
>> Cheers,
>> Werner
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Werner Keil <werner.keil_at_gmail.com>
>> Date: Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 3:07 PM
>> Subject: Re: JavaZone :(
>> To: Ivar Grimstad <ivar.grimstad_at_gmail.com>
>> Ivar,
>> I just heard and responded. Pity because you are located very close. And
>> the topic seems rather important. I will go to JavaOne at least for the EC
>> F2F. And after my well-received outlook on 375 in London PMO invited Alex
>> to do another round of update in October. Not sure, if he plans a DevoXX BE
>> talk, would you or are you there in any case?
>> I would also love to submit it to DevoXX Morocco after speaking there
>> twice. Anatole mentioned,they may not "like him" in Norway as his proposal
>> was also not selected last year. Despite being a final JSR and he recently
>> selected as Star Spec Lead, but especially Oracle does not seem to be
>> overly present compared to Red Hat and others there either. While 375 is
>> heavily inspired by best of breed from their side, too, it is quite
>> obvious Red Hat also does not bother that much about JSRs or other (Java)
>> standards. They're all into JavaScript (from Cordova to AngularJS) and the
>> whole Docker and Container stuff now.
>> Would be happy to propose it for Antwerp unless Alex already did. Please
>> ask him, the DevoXX CFP runs till June 30. And if you would not mind a
>> warmer climate, I'd love to propose it for Morocco, too. I guess I'll skip
>> Norway also Eclipse Day in Trondheim to save my vacation days (in
>> Switzerland you are sort of employed even in contract based roles;-) plus
>> if I want to spend 20 € on a beer or burger (like in Norway) I can do so
>> every day in Switzerland, too ;-D
>> Cheers,
>> Werner
>> On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 8:33 AM, Ivar Grimstad <ivar.grimstad_at_gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Looks like we didn't make it with the security talk.
>>> I'm kind of surprised actually. Thought this was a topic every Java
>>> conference would be happy to include in their program.
>>> Just let me know if you want to try to submit the talk at other
>>> conferences.
>>> Ivar