How to access metadata in Factory

From: Nico Rogasch <>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 17:56:55 +0100

Hi guys,

quick question:

I configure a Factory binding in my Jersey Application like this:


(within an AbstractBinder in my ResourceConfig)

and I want to make use of the metadata within the factory to set a property
of the newly created class.

But how can I access the metadata within the Factory?

The Factory Interface doesn't provide anything except provide and dispose.
I have tried to inject the Descriptor like this:

private ActiveDescriptor<?> myOwnDescriptor;

But the descriptor seems not to get injected (null).

The Javadoc of the .withMetadata Method says "If this is for
descriptors the metadata will be placed on both the Factory as a service
and on the Factories org.glassfish.hk2.api.Factory.provide()
method" so I think it should be possible, but how?

Could anybody please give me a hint? ;o)

Thanks in Advance!
