Re: Custom Injection Resolver with addActiveDescriptor

From: buko <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 00:16:16 -0400

The bug seems to have to do with the fact that
ServiceLocator.isInjectorAnnotation is returning false because it's not yet
aware of the registered injection resolvers (they don't show up in the
allResolvers map). Could this be some sort of ordering issue?

On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 12:11 PM, buko <> wrote:

> Looks like another bug: if I use addActiveDescriptor (from within
> AbstractBinder) then custom injection annotations (which have a custom
> injection resolver bound elsewhere) don't actually get resolved. They seem
> to be completely ignored. The annotated variables end up null and the
> injection resolvers are ignored. Going back to the bind() syntax works
> fine.