Read doesn't work

From: Евгений Бушуев <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:28:04 +0200


Need your help for my problem. I'm trying to write json <-> db service with
custom 'nio' connection to my database (no jdbc driver). In short the code
so far looks lie:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    TCPNIOTransport tcpTransport = TCPNIOTransportBuilder.newInstance().build();

    final FilterChain clientFilterChain = FilterChainBuilder.stateless()
            .add(new TransportFilter())

    TCPNIOConnectorHandler connectorHandler =

    SingleEndpointPool singleEndpointPool = SingleEndpointPool
//database connections
InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 12345))

    HttpServer server = HttpServer.createSimpleServer(null, "localhost", 9090);
MyHandler(singleEndpointPool), "/users");


then MyHandler (from


public void service(Request request,
org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Response response) throws Exception

   final NIOInputStream in = request.getNIOInputStream();


   in.notifyAvailable(new ReadHandler() {


        public void onAllDataRead() throws Exception {

             // getting connection to db

               GrizzlyFuture<Connection> connectionFuture =

               Connection connection = connectionFuture.get(10,

            //didn't find any better place to set timeouts, looks like
no way to do it through pool?

               connection.setReadTimeout(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
               connection.setWriteTimeout(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

              //here code to make dbRq from http request


               connection.write(new ByteBufferWrapper(dbRq), new
EmptyCompletionHandler<RecordWriteResult>() {



                  public void completed(RecordWriteResult result) {

               CompletionHandler<ReadResult>() {

                               HERE IS THE PROBLEM

                               Neither completed no failed are colled







The first question - is this code looks like optimal way to write
json/db service?

And then, if it is, why doesn't it receive anything from db? It
writes, I can see records inserted, and I'm sure db wants to return
something, at least "pure nio" implementation receives db responses.

Best regards, Eugene.