i need some hint from you once again :)
i am re-writing a
major piece of code of my application, adding websocket support to
enable persistent connection for flash apps & maybe in the future http
I am already facing some issue, and i have already opened a
ticket as you probably know.
The question is simple, should i move
from 1.9.x to 2.2.x?
and if yes...
1) how is the performance of
http_servlet between 1.9.x / 2.2.x?
2) websocket support in 1.9 / 2.2
will be mantained?
3) 2.2.x is able to deploy a servlet? standing to
docs i think yes, but i haven't see any example on how to embed a
servlet on it.
4) are 2.2.x servlet container & framework production
also, checking the example i got confused... on 2.2.x sample, i
see an HttpServer.getSimplesomething wrapper to get a httpsrv running
on 8080
--> final HttpServer server = HttpServer.
but on xref HttpServer on org.glassfish.grizzly.
http doesn't exist (check even on javadoc, samples are outdated?!?)
have found a HttpServer under jmx btw...
obviusly i'll download the
full jar to make some test but maybe, someone can point me in the right
direction (and i am really curious about performance, i
really use a
small portion of grizzly, using it 'just' as a servlet container, and
before move to 2.2.x i want to make sure that the perfs are ok)
E' nata indoona: chiama, videochiama e messaggia Gratis. Scarica indoona per iPhone, Android e PC: