Re: Grizzly slowly leaking with comet support on version 1.0.39

From: Oleksiy Stashok <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 15:26:50 +0200

Hi William,

> I am observing a memory leak in grizzly comet support (1.0.39). After a few
> days of use, I have seen the memory growing slowly by looking gc logs....
> Multiple full gc did not clear the memory. Memory groes of 200Mo a day avg.
> I have performed an heam dump with jmap (3go) and analyze it with a tool. It
> seems that the collection named 'bannedKeys" contains in SelectorThread is
> always growing. I think I can provide you a report bit not the entire heap
> dump (too large I think).
> Did anyone observe the same behavior ?
Can you pls. file an issue on issuetracker? [1]

Also wanted to ask for more details...
Are you using HTTP pipelining together with comet? Are you reading off
all the input before registering a comet handler?

We can definitely fix the memory leak and start using WeakHashMap for
the bannedKeys collection, but just wanted to make sure we're not
missing anything else.


