CometContext blocked by client

From: leonardo pecile <>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2011 13:06:40 +0100

Dear support,

we are using your Grizzly 1.9.31 "Full Embedded Server" for our server.
We are providing video or events stream to clients via a Comet Service.

For each client request a new CometHandler is added to the CometContext,
that is created when the first request is received.
We use the following code:

/void startComet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
         String topic = req.getRequestURI();
         CometEngine engine = CometEngine.getEngine();
         CometContext context = engine.getCometContext(topic);
         if (context == null) {
             context = engine.register(topic);
             VideoSource videoSource =
createVideoSource(req.getPathInfo(), context);
             context.addAttribute("videoSource", videoSource);
         MultipartCometHandler handler = new MultipartCometHandler(topic);

where MultipartCometHandler class implements CometHandler.

When some new frame or event comes up, the VideoSource notifies the
CometContext with the /CometContext.notify(Object obj)/ method.

We have noticed that if more than one client is connected to the
CometContext, and for some reason one of them is blocked reading the socket
(for example it halts on a breakpoint in test mode) all other clients
halt too. When the blocking client restarts also the others do.

We try to solve this problem setting blockingNotification parameter to
/false/ via /CometContext.setBlockingNotification(false)/ method,
but doesn't work.

Are we doing some mistake? Is there a way to create non blocking comet

Thanks for support

Leonardo Pecile
ImaVis S.r.l.
Via F.lli Carpigiani, 4
40138 - Bologna - Italy
phone: + 39 051 6012120
fax: +39 051 531666