Re: Grizzly standalone Server not serving pages

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 11:38:50 +0200


please post here the init code of the Grizzly server - we will try to
suggest what to change there and make Grizzly serve static pages, or
as Sebastien mentioned you can use deployer.



On Jul 3, 2010, at 13:37 , Pilla Gurumurty Patrudu wrote:

> Hi All,
> I tried cometd in glassfish v3; It worked pretty well. This link
> explained the story :
> comet servlets & cometd (zero java code) including glassfish
> tweaking for comet support plus some customization to dojo scripts,
> took just about 2 days.
> I thought running on a standalone Grizzly would be a breeze. But got
> stumped here.
> The server starts pretty well; but does not serve any pages.
> Please suggest a solution.
> Thanks & Regards
> P G Patrudu
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> request :
> http://localhost:8080/grizzly-cometd-bayeux-1.9.9/index.html
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> response :
> Not Found
> Grizzly
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> server startup :
> C:\Documents and Settings\rayinfo\Desktop\GRIZZLY>java -jar grizzly-
> webserver-1.
> 9.18-k.jar -a grizzly-cometd-bayeux-1.9.9.war
> Jul 3, 2010 4:46:19 PM com.sun.grizzly.standalone.StandaloneMainUtil
> appendWarCo
> ntentToClassPath
> INFO: Servicing resources from: C:\DOCUME~1\rayinfo\LOCALS~1\Temp
> \grizzly-cometd
> -bayeux-1.9.9
> Jul 3, 2010 4:46:19 PM com.sun.grizzly.webserver.WebServer
> createSelectorThread
> INFO: Starting Grizzly WebServer with support for Comet, Bayeux,
> Servlet and Sta
> tic Resources
> Jul 3, 2010 4:46:19 PM com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThread
> displayConfiguration
> Grizzly running on Windows XP-5.1 under JDK version: 1.6.0_20-Sun
> Microsystems
> Inc.
> port: 8080
> Thread Pool: StatsThreadPool[name=Grizzly-8080, min-
> threads=5, max-thre
> ads=5, max-queue-size=4096, is-shutdown=false, port=8080]
> Read Selector: -1
> ByteBuffer size: 8192
> maxHttpHeaderSize: 8192
> sendBufferSize: 131072
> maxKeepAliveRequests: 256
> keepAliveTimeoutInSeconds: 30
> Static File Cache enabled: true
> Static resources directory: C:\DOCUME~1\rayinfo
> \LOCALS~1\Temp\grizzly-c
> ometd-bayeux-1.9.9
> Adapter : com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.GrizzlyAdapterChain
> Asynchronous Request Processing enabled: true
> Jul 3, 2010 4:46:19 PM com.sun.grizzly.Controller logVersion
> INFO: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-k - Sat Jul 03 16:46:19 IST
> 2010
> Jul 3, 2010 4:46:19 PM com.sun.grizzly.standalone.StandaloneMainUtil
> $1 listen
> INFO: Server started in 392 milliseconds.