Re: [Jean-Francois Arcand's Blog] New Comment Posted to 'Writing a TCP/UDP stack supporting the SIP protocol using the Grizzly Framework'

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 10:48:17 -0400 wrote:
> A new comment has been posted on your blog Jean-Francois Arcand&#39;s Blog, on entry #9185 (Writing a TCP/UDP stack supporting the SIP protocol using the Grizzly Framework).
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> Hello,
> Thanks for those valourous clarifications on the use of Grizzly to implement a transport application.
> I just discover Grizzly today because I was looking for a NIO application because I aim to implement a probe with UDP transport, and for that purpose I need to know how to access to the bytes read by the ReadFilter to interpret for example the response of a client.

Did you find how to do it? Can you clarify exactly what you are trying
to do?


-- jeanfrancois