On Feb 5, 2009, at 4:20 AM, Hubert Iwaniuk wrote:
> Second argument to GWS.addGrizzlyAdapter(GA, String[]) is mapping
> where you mount you GA, like new String[]{"/admingui"}.
> And you don't need to set context path in that case.
Hmm. OK. That seems to solve the context root question, but still
leaves the servlet mapping issue. Mojarra (and maybe JSF itself) will
not work with a servlet mapping of /*, which seems to be default, but
I can't find a way to change that. The web.xml in the expanded war
file I'm using has *.jsf as the mapping. I need to figure how to tell
Grizzly to use that. I'll dig through the source of both Mojarra and
Grizzly to see if I can find the code paths in question and determine
what I can, but if someone knows off hand how to do that, I'd
appreciate the pointer. :P
Jason Lee
Senior Java Developer
GlassFish Administration Console
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone x31197/+1 405-343-1964
Email jasondlee_at_sun.com