Dear Mr. Arcand,
I am a student from Germany currently writing my diploma thesis. In this
context I want to develop a financial realtime web application using the
Google Web Toolkit. As a possible approach to that problem I found your
slides from the "JavaOne" (Grizzly Comet) in the Web but somehow I am not
able to build a runnable prototype to evaluate the technical feasibility. Do
you have a sample project which I could take a look at? Furthermore I would
like to use Ajax Streaming instead of long poll
and a Message Driven Bean to push data to the clients (via JMS from a
backend system which provides stock prices). Do you think that this is a
practicable idea? Sadly I am not very familiar with the J2EE architecture.
Due to the fact that GlassFish 3 currently does not support JMB and JMS I
think I have to use GlassFish 2.1. correct? Thank you in advance for your
efforts and your cooperation.
Best regards
Jens Heyer