CometContext and NIO

From: Richard Corsale <>
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 16:36:10 -0400

Hi Jeanfrancois, Thanks for the reply.

The thing about the Exception is that there isnt one :) see what happens is
, I would register a cometHandler with a specific comet context, this would
work fine , but when I attempt to register one Handler with multiple
contexts "strange" things would happen, like it would drop (seemingly
random) Handlers from the same context. also it would fail to register new
handlers from the same user once I flush and attempt to re-register. so...
really its not a specific error its more of a feature :)

Note: this does not happen on the latest Grizzly only the one that ships
with GF2 u2 ?

But about my crazzy solution ( which is moot if GF 2.1 is just around the
corner) and really, just for clarification. am I hosing up the thread pool
by creating these contexts?
