Re: How can my application benefit from non-blocking http server like Grizzly?

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 12:39:05 -0400

Salut, wrote:
> In real situation, a thread for serving web request may be blocked (or
> time-waiting?) by something like waiting db enquiry result or waiting remote
> process to response (like rmi?). In non-blocking http server like Grizzly,
> will the blocked thread be availabled for other web request(s)?

By default, the thread will be blocked. But we have a Grizzly extension
called Grizzly Asynchronous Request Processing[1] that exactly allow you
to do what want, e.g. free threads from blocking on resources. I've gave
an example in [2], and our Comet[4] support is based on top of Grizzly
ARP. I suspect Comet is what you need to look at (Read [4] first IMO)

> The stress test result (pages / second) for the following JSP in Glassfish
> V2 is the same as Tomcat
> <!--test_sleep.jsp-->
> <%Thread.sleep(100L);%>
> <!--end test_sleep.jsp-->
> How about this one?
> <!--test_block.jsp-->
> <%
> ArrayBlockingQueue<Result> arrayBlockingQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(1);
> //ask for result, the result will be stored in the queue by another thread
> RemoteProcess.askForResult(arrayBlockingQueue);
> Result result = null;
> try {
> // waiting result for 10 seconds, the thread for running this request will
> be blocked up to 10 seconds
> result = arrayBlockingQueue.poll(10, TimeUnit.SECOND);
> } catch (Exception e) {
> }
> if (result == null) System.out.println("Time out...");
> %>
> <!--end test_block.jsp-->
> How to write my web application so that I can fully make use your thread
> pool?

Yes that's clear. Take a look at the AsyncFilter interface[3] or you
might want to uses Comet directly[4] (based on you example above, I
Strongly recommend you take a look at Comet). Just take a quick look and
let me know if that help or if you need more information.

Hope you understand my question.

Pretty clear.




> Regards,
> Ken